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Feb 7, 20215 min read
France meets Asia: Lentilles du Puy and the perfect bamboo steamer. C'est si bon!
Just the other day, I received another package of 'caviar'. Well, the 'caviar' of lentils, that is, since we roll WFPBNO (whole-food,...

Feb 3, 20215 min read
Mushroom Bolognese with Seitan
The mushrooms looked so very tempting in my local Winco the other day that I bought a few. Well, a lot. Probably too many. Truth? I...

Jan 31, 20214 min read
This Creamy Cauliflower Soup is deliciously vegan, and no-oil, too!
As I was rehabilitating and organizing my freezer stash of frozen vegetables - I came across a large bag of frozen cauliflower. Hmmmm....

Jan 29, 20214 min read
Creamed Spinach: A steak house standard, modernized.
If you're of a, ahem, certain age, you probably remember the all-American Steakhouse. It's where people went to get their slabs of meat,...

Jan 25, 20214 min read
Quick and easy glazed root vegetables!
Are you still wondering what to do with those less common root vegetables? I'm talking about parsnips, turnips and, gasp! rutabagas. I...

Jan 24, 20215 min read
Get to know the tender 'Baby' of the Bok-Choy family for dinner tonight.
If you haven't tried tender-crisp, juicy baby bok choy, then you're really in for a treat! I have a favorite Asian market here in Reno,...

Jan 12, 20214 min read
Sautéed mushrooms without a drop of added oil are simply delicious
If you're following the Whole-food, Plant-based, no-added-oil lifestyle recommended by Forks Over Knives, then you may be wondering - as...

Jan 6, 20212 min read
Add 'water sauté' method to your cooking techniques and you'll never look back.
This was a 'light bulb' moment. I had been convinced - like so many other cooks - that you absolutely needed oil to sauté foods. Boy, was...

Dec 26, 20203 min read
Christmas dinner was pretty tasty!
Before Thanksgiving, I'd loaded up the freezer with the fancy, limited time plant-based holiday roasts. I served the Field Roast Hazelnut...

Dec 20, 20204 min read
Carrot, Parsnip and Maple Soup from the Instant Pot
If you intend to spend much time in France, be sure that you like carrots. A lot. The French love their carrots! I've hauled many pounds...

Dec 11, 20205 min read
This Lentil-Mushroom Loaf will satisfy your entire family
I've been looking for a decent, basic lentil loaf recipe for some time, and finally decided that I needed to develop one myself. The...
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Dec 5, 20204 min read
Butternut squash Mac 'n' Cheez with broccoli and tomatoes
There must be dozens of ways to make vegan cheese sauce on the internet. And, I've tried several. Most are pretty good but too...

Dec 4, 20203 min read
Simply the best vegan, oil-free meatloaf recipe
Here it is! The vegan meatloaf recipe that everybody keeps asking me for. Seriously. Friends, relatives, people on the WFPB social media...

Dec 2, 20202 min read
Simply delicious 'No Beef' Salisbury Steak
Normally, I use the ground Beyond Beef product for meatloaf. I make a killer no-meatloaf. Really. It gets rave reviews. But, it seemed...

Nov 27, 20204 min read
Another simply delicious, vegan Thanksgiving dinner.
Could I pull it off again? Or, was last Thanksgiving just a lucky fluke? To try and make it more than a 'one-off', I stuck with the...

Nov 20, 20204 min read
Simply beefless stew will comfort and satisfy
Warming stews are a must-have here in Reno, Nevada. It gets dark sooner, and the nights are colder, dipping into the 20's. That's why a...

Nov 19, 20206 min read
I'll simply be making a Galette for the holiday dinner.
I used to make pies, back in the day, but have decided over the years that a galette, in the French tradition is somehow more satisfying...

Nov 13, 20203 min read
Better broth is as close as your vegetable trimmings.
For the last several years, I've kept a zip-lok bag in the freezer to hold vegetable trim: the tops of leeks, onion peels, the butt ends...

Nov 11, 20203 min read
Yellow Split-Pea: Is it a soup or a stew? Do I care?
Brrrrrr! Although the sun is out, here in Reno, Nevada, it's still kind raw feeling, and is supposed to snow in another day or two. I was...

Nov 9, 20202 min read
Turn That Quorn Roast Into a Tasty Facsimile of Turk-y
With the holiday fast approaching, you might be wondering which plant-based protein will best work for the feast. The good news? There...
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